Dental Health
We may be biased, but we think dental health is an important part of your overall well-being. This means developing good habits that prevent dental issues, as well as proactively treating problems as soon as you notice them. Read more about the elements of a good dental health regime, as well as some common issues we treat our patients for:
Dental Examinations
What is the best way to ensure your teeth, mouth, and gums stay healthy? Get a routine examination twice a year!
Our Dental Examinations
On your first visit, you will meet Dr. Langley and discuss your oral health history and any concerns you may have. Dr. Langley and the entire team are here for all of your dental needs. We know not everyone loves visiting the dentist, but we have established a top notch team with the highest-quality dental technology so your experience will be comfortable and satisfactory.
Our exams will take an overall look at your oral health. This allows us to discover any potential issues, which we can then discuss how to solve. It’s important to get regular exams because you may have a problem that you cannot see or feel, but could cause pain in the long run. We want to fix these issues as soon as they happen, so you can stay as healthy as possible.
During your examination, we will check your teeth, mouth, and gums in detail. The exam is painless, and helps us uncover any issues that need to be resolved, or simply confirm that everything is healthy.
If you’re looking for a new dentist or would like to know more about our examinations, please contact us today. We’d love to discuss how we can help you reach optimal oral health now and in the future.
Dental Cleanings
Keeping your teeth clean is the best way to keep them healthy, and regular professional cleanings are a vital part of this process. At Langley Dental, we recommend having your teeth cleaned twice a year. This greatly reduces your chances of acquiring periodontal disease, experiencing tooth decay, getting cavities, or having other oral health issues.
Our dental cleanings utilize an ultrasonic water device that comfortably cleans around the teeth and gums, removing plaque and tartar deposits. The experience is completely painless, and we leave you with a clean, healthy mouth.
Deep Dental Cleanings
When teeth are not routinely cleaned, this can lead to decay, diseased gums, excessive plaque build-up, and other issues. To fix these problems and return to optimal oral health, a deep dental cleaning may be required.
The following are a few stages of a deep dental cleaning:
Scaling – Removing plaque and tartar from the surface. We use an electric scaler that thoroughly and quickly cleans the teeth.
Polishing – Smoothing the surface of the teeth, making it more difficult for plaque to form.
Root Planning – If the plaque has reached the root of the tooth, then root planning may be necessary. This process is the same as scaling, but instead of focusing on the teeth, we focus on cleaning the root.
To schedule a dental cleaning or learn more about Langley Dental, our team, and our services, contact us today.
Dental Hygiene
Dental hygiene is the key to preventing oral health problems and maintaining a healthy mouth. At Langley Dental, we provide a personalized oral health care plan that’s just right for you. After your examination with Dr. Langley, we’ll discuss your risk of encountering problems like tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer. We’ll then create a plan involving oral health habits, preventative measures, and dental hygiene tips to meet your specific needs.
We believe dental hygiene is of the utmost importance, and we are committed to providing you with the tools and education you need to take care of your oral health. This includes at-home dental hygiene, as well as regular dental examinations and cleanings. Being proactive about your dental care is the best way to achieve optimal oral health.
Contact us to learn more about our dental hygiene services or to schedule an examination or cleaning to jumpstart your oral health today.
Tooth Decay/Cavities
Tooth decay happens when the hard, outer layer of your teeth, known as the tooth enamel, is destroyed. Cavities form when the roots of the teeth are exposed to plaque, which can then cause decay. Cavities and tooth decay can affect people of all ages, but thankfully they can be easily treated.
How Does Tooth Decay Happen?
Decay occurs when there is plaque buildup on the teeth. Plaque is a combination of bacteria, food, and debris that sticks to the tooth – it’s important to get regular dental cleanings to prevent too much accumulation. If discovered early enough, tooth decay will not have broken through the enamel and can be sealed to prevent further damage. If the enamel has already been harmed, then a filling is required, and severe cases may necessitate a root canal.
Signs of Tooth Decay
The following signs may indicate cavities or tooth decay:
Pain in the tooth
Sensitivity, particularly when brushing, breathing air, or eating hot or cold food
A small white spot on the tooth, which will turn brown
A hole in the tooth
If you experience any of these symptoms, please contact us. Dr. Langley is an expert at dealing with tooth decay, and taking quick action can prevent more complex problems down the road.
Periodontal Treatments
Periodontal disease is perhaps better known as gum disease. It begins as gingivitis that slowly damages the structure of the teeth. In its earliest stages, a simple teeth cleaning can stop the damage, but in its advanced stages, it can be very painful.
The Periodontal Treatment Process
As mentioned above, a teeth cleaning can fix periodontal disease that is caught early on. This will involve cleaning below the gum line to remove stuck tartar deposits.
If the periodontal disease is more advanced, a deep dental cleaning including scaling and root planning may be needed. This smooths the root surfaces of the teeth, allowing the gum tissue to heal and reattach to the teeth over time.
For the most severe cases, periodontal surgery may be required. Surgery allows Dr. Langley to reach further to remove deeper plaque and buildup, and then the gums are stitched back into place.
At Langley Dental, we utilize local anesthesia during periodontal treatments, so the experience is comfortable and pain free. To discuss periodontal treatments and any concerns you may have, please contact us today.